SMUMC Church Council Sept. 25, 2019
St. Matthew’s UMC Church Council Minutes
September 25, 2019
Meeting called to order by Chair Amy Chai at 7:32 p.m. Attendees introduced themselves and stated their position on the Council. (See attendee list at the end of the minutes.) Chair recognized visitors.
Pastor Neil Hough opened the meeting with prayer.
Trunk or Treat event on October 26: Christine Moser is circulating a sign-up sheet for committees to take responsibility to participate in this Saturday morning community-wide event.
The minutes for the August meeting were approved.
Stewardship Campaign: Derek Brown briefed the Council about this fall’s plans. Mailings will go out on November 7 along with updates in the newsletter each month. Beginning on October 28, at offering time a series of speakers/videos will focus on missions our church supports. Shred event will take not happen this year due to increased costs and limited response. Leaders of the church should commit early in order to demonstrate momentum toward reaching our goals. Sermon series will connect with this theme, with Commitment Sunday November 17. Council provided suggestions for the Stewardship Committee to consider at its next meeting.
Worship Schedule Change--Update: See the Highlights for statistics on worship attendance. Pastor Neil believes families may still be trying to find the right schedule for them. Music has been great and the larger crowds in each service create increased excitement. We have new visitors every Sunday and try to welcome them into our community and connect their children with Christian education. We can be glad that the transition in schedules has gone relatively smoothly overall.
Sunday School Offerings—Update: Classes are meeting and some new classes have formed. Time for transition from church to Sunday school and back is more limited now and this situation has caused some concern and some classes have also remarked on the shorter 45-minute class period.
Way Forward Conversations: Continue as a Sunday school class with 8-10 attending. Pastor Nickie Moreno-Howard, Karen Chevalier, and Judy Hall are now at the gathering at Church of the Resurrection in Kansas to discuss the future of the United Methodist Church.
Comments from the Pastor: Pastor Neil noted:
a. Noted scheduled events in the Highlights.
b. Announced that church ministry staff is planning for Christmas and springtime!
c. Appreciates that so many people are reading and studying Reckless Love.
2019 Budget Status: Gap between our expenses and giving grew to $59,000 in August. Giving is down, but September and December are five-Sunday months. Staff projected spending for the remainder of the year and anticipated savings. Along with these savings, if we stop paying non-essential apportionments we can realize total savings of $21,350. Pastor Neil moved that we cut our program budget by $9,500 and our apportionments payments by $11,850 (total $21,350) to the end of the year. Bill Culbertson seconded. Discussion followed. Motion was approved.
2020 Budget Process: Staff and committee requests due by Friday, September 27. Budget will be ready for discussion at the October 23 and November 20 (one week early) meetings.
SPRC: Sinae Kim has accepted our offer of the position of Sanctuary Choir Director and met the church staff at its meeting today.
Trustees: Brad Oswalt reported:
a. Concrete work has been completed, much under warranty.
b. Exterior woodwork replacement and painting is completed and the steeple has been repainted in bright white (not the spire).
c. Security issues: Walkie-talkies arrived today at some cost savings due to our volume purchase. They will be programmed and ready for use soon.
d. Mailbox replacement: Security measures have been completed and we are confident that we have concluded this issue. Treasurer has been working diligently with families who suffered losses to make claims to their financial institutions. We have discovered that other churches have been affected.
Open Forum:
a. Chair Chai alerted Council members that their submissions for the State of the Church Report at Charge Conference are due by November 1.
Adjournment: After members shared joys and concerns the meeting closed at 9:03 p.m. with prayer by Pastor Bill Moberly.
Church Council Attendees, September 25, 2019
Amy Chai, Chair
Neil Hough, Senior Pastor
John Alexander, Vice Chair
Carolyn Andrukonis, Lay Leader
Derek Brown, Stewardship
Angela Culberston, SPRC
Bill Culbertson, Finance
Ann Donnelly, UMW
Chris Jackson, Youth Council
Judy LaMorte, Trustee
Beth Lanthier, Lay Member of Annual Conference
Lyle Minter, Lay Member of Annual Conference (Minutes)
Bill Moberly, Associate Pastor
Christine Moser, Children’s Ministries Coordinator
Brad Oswalt, Trustees
Gary Strohm, Trustees Vice-Chair
Kara Stuebing, Director of Family Ministries
Carol Workman, Director of Music
Gail Kreider