Small Groups at St. Matthew’s

For questions about classes please contact us at

  • Women of Faith We are a women’s support group and welcome those who would like to share in a confidential manner with ladies of similar challenges. This support group is open to all women of faith. This group currently meets at 9 a.m. in the Wright Parlor POC: Annette Landers

  • Apostles & Other Folks: Sunday school class uses videos to study biblical topics. This class meets Sundays at 9 a.m.  POC Bruce Thomas at

  • The Way Forward Class : The Way Forward small group meets at 9:00 in room 302. We are committed to studying all aspects of equality and justice especially in the Christian context. It is also the home for the Reconciling Community at St. Matthew's. Contact for more information. Please join us for lively and thought-provoking conversations! POC: Karen Chevalier

  • The Sunday School Class for Parent: All parents of children and youth are invited to join this discussion-based class that meets on Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. in room 304 of the Adult Education wing.  Parenting is one of the hardest jobs, but it is also the only job where we don't receive any formal training!  Parenting can simultaneously be the most rewarding and the most exhausting part of our life.  If you'd like to connect with other parents and grow in your faith journey, please join us!  Our curriculum is a mix between bible study and discussions around parenting children and youth and caring for aging parents. Join us as we tackle what that means, and how to support and encourage one another in Christian love. POC: Mandy Lloyd mandylloyd.cdci@

  • The Knitters Hands Helping Humanity This group meets Sundays at 9 a.m. in the library. This group changes the world by knitting together. Curious? Join this group and you will know what it means. POC Ruth Ann Harrold

Classes or Groups that Meet Other Days or Times

Prayer Groups - Friday Morning Prayer Group (Currently on Zoom)

Location - Zoom

Date/Time - Fridays, 6:30 am-7:00 am

Contact - Debbie Ansman at if you would like to attend, and she will email you the Zoom link.

Friends of Naomi - This group is for people who have lost a spouse or partner to be in support and fellowship with one another. This group meets once a month for fellowship and lunch or another special outing.

Contact: Nancy Cappel

Happy Hearts Mustard Seed - Meets in the evenings twice a month in rotating locations. Contact Gail Kreider at for more information.