Sunday Greeters Needed for the Worship Service: Whether you’re a long-time member or a first-time visitor when you walk into St. Matthew’s you are welcomed with a “Good Morning!” from a smiling greeter. This important ministry needs more volunteers. You may sign-up here. If you have any questions about being a greeter contact the office at
Food Hospitality: Donate Food for Sunday Morning Coffee in the Commons Sign-up HERE. We are looking for volunteers to provide light snacks on Sunday mornings this fall. Please sign-up and bring your food donation with you to worship and place it on the table in the Commons (outside the Sanctuary). Consider picking one item and one day you could help with from time to time. If you have any questions, please call the church office at 703-978-3500 or reach out via email to
Scripture Readers: We are looking for people of all ages to help lead us in worship as Scripture Readers and Communion Servers! Look for sign up sheets at the Welcome Center near the church entrance, or go directly to the online sign-up links: Scripture Readers Sign Up
Communion Assistance: If anyone would like to help out with communion, please sign up HERE or contact Pastor Gordon at Individuals and groups/families can sign up to help with the communion (up to 4 people).
Usher: Become an usher and join an amazing group of volunteers who keep in-person worship running smoothly and safely. Contact Phil Guth,, to learn more!
Children’s Worship Volunteers: Children’s Worship meets during the Worship service and is for all children ages 3-third grade. Volunteer leaders are needed. Please contact Ruth Anne Luckenbaugh at
Nursery Volunteers: Would you be willing to volunteer in the nursery on Sunday mornings during Worship. You can sign-up here . Please note Child Protection Policy Training is required to volunteer but don't let lack of training stop you from volunteering! Reach out to you to schedule a time to go through the Child Protection Policy for St. Matthews UMC prior to your scheduled nursery volunteer sign-up slot. If you have qustions please reach out to Ruth Anne Luckebbaugh at
Other Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer in the church office on Thursdays from 10 AM-2 PM or on occasional other days. Contact Dana at for more info.
Volunteer at our Ken Jackson Food Distribution. More information can be found here.
Donate food items to support the Ken Jackson Food Distribution. More information is available here.
Volunteer for Altar Guild. If you can give an hour or so on occasion, please contact Altar Guild Chair Debbie Creekman at
English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Winter Term Begins in January. Class dates: January 28-April 3, Tues & Thurs, 7-9 p.m. in adult wing of basement. We rely on your help in several ways to make it happen:
*A person to assist a lead teacher on Tuesdays during the term
*Snacks and drinks for the students during their break time. Examples include, but not limited to chips, sandwich crackers, cookies, sweets, other savory snacks, nuts, decaf and regular tea bags (individually wrapped), water bottles. Be sure to check expiration dates, as we use them over the 10-week period! Donations can be taken to rm 308 in the adult wing basement OR look for the bin labeled ESOL snacks in the church.
*Hospitality Hosts to help during each evening class. Link: POC Louisa Gerber: Please visit this page for more information. Please contact Louisa at if you have any questions.