SMUMC Church Council Aug. 28, 2019
Meeting called to order by Vice Chair John Alexander at 7:30 p.m. Attendees introduced themselves, stated their position on the Council, and shared something fun that happened this summer. (See attendee list at the end of the minutes.)
Pastor Neil Hough opened the meeting with prayer.
The minutes for the July meeting were approved.
Fall Kick-Off Status: Keith Robertory has the lead position on planning for the kick-off Sunday picnic. Committee leaders are organizing food, entertainment, set-up and clean-up; committee members are asked to bring side dishes.
Worship Schedule Change--Update: Banner with new times goes up after Sunday’s service; new Sunday School classes and sermon series are based on Tom Berlin’s book Reckless Love; exciting music is being planned by Carol Workman and Susan Ely; ushering program is being reimagined based on the new schedule; children’s worship will be offered at both worship times where the children will have their own worship experience during this time.
Sunday School Offerings—Update: Pastor Nickie Moreno-Howard and the Discipleship team have put together an Adult Sunday School class brochure; PATH class will be piloted during Sunday School beginning September 29; new class “Animate: Faith” will use a variety of topics and will be a drop-in class; in winter and spring they may add a sandwich generation class and another Women in Faith group. Life groups continue but are not being promoted at this time.
Way Forward Conversations: Continue as a Sunday School class, using lessons in Reckless Love to write their Reconciling Community statement to receive official designation as such a community. Also working on a survey of the entire congregation.
Comments from the Pastor: Pastor Neil noted:
Sermon series on Reckless Love which is extremely relevant in today’s environment where we need to learn to love our neighbors.
Charge Conference is to be held Wednesday, November 13, at 7:00 p.m. District Superintendent Jeff Mickle will be discussing challenges facing the United Methodist Church right now.
November 3 is Soup Sunday where the UMW will provide carry-out soup service.
Stewardship Commitment Sunday will be November 17, led off by extended Mission Moments in October and November.
First Sunday of Advent is December 1. Planning for the Christmas season is already under way!
With everything going on in today’s world and with the changes taking place here at church, we are asked to focus on the things that St. Matthew’s is good at: children’s ministry, youth ministry, and music. If we keep these ministries strong, we will succeed in our mission and ministry.
Finance Committee: Bill Culbertson reported that revenue is behind projections, as can be expected during the summer vacation season. Former treasurer Mary Dillard, Rudy Ehrenberg, Jim Godlove, Cathy Moberly, and other church members have been asked to help in the informal self-audit that will take place in September. Will request budget input from committees in September. Planning to have Council act on the budget proposal in November.
Church mailbox: Todd Creekman reported that checks had been stolen from the church mailbox in May and June and cashed—some for the Weekday School which first noticed missed tuition payments, some from contributions. Eight checks worth about a total of $2,600 were lost. Remitters have been contacting their banks for reimbursement, with an affidavit from the church explaining the circumstances. Trustees added a locking mailbox in the parking lot; church office and post office have keys. Security cameras will now cover the mailbox area outside. Some invoices were also lost and resulted in late charges.
Trustees: Brad Oswalt reported:
Window installation was successfully completed.
Restrooms in the youth are being completely refurbished with new tile, fixtures, paint, etc.
Concrete work will be undertaken to eliminate tripping hazards around the church. The contractor who did last year’s concrete work is going to replace degraded surfaces in their work. This work is under a 10-year warranty.
Exterior woodwork is being replaced and painted and will be completed by September 8. The steeple will be repainted in bright white (not the spire).
Security issues: Cameras add a lot of protection, both in real-time and to look back at events. Door locks are being installed to provide for shelter-in-place if needed. On Sundays we have been planning to use a new communications system to alert worshipers and Sunday School classes to emergencies to enable instant communication. The expense of $5,000 is not covered by the Trustees budget. Do we wait for funding in next budget year or do we use cash reserves and purchase the walkie-talkies right away? Discussion resulted in an approved motion to proceed with the purchase and alert the congregation of this need for special funding.
Open Forum:
Pastor Neil thanked the SPRC and everyone who helped for the wonderful Retirement Celebration for Nancy Cappel that took place on Sunday, August 18. He also reported from SPRC that Carol Workman has a candidate for Adult Choir Director who will audition with the Sanctuary Choir when rehearsals begin.
Pastor Nickie thanked everyone for a successful year in P3 packing. She is posting a new sign-up sheet so that groups can volunteer to cover each week. Please sign up to have directory pictures taken, and remind everyone to sign up as well—let’s make our new directory happen. Coffee ministry will be available during the transition hour between the traditional and modern worship services. The Coffee ministry needs our help. Prep work can happen on Saturday for a quick Sunday morning plug-in. Please consider signing up with your group or family. September 29 is National Coffee Day: donors of $10 will receive a Rise against Hunger mug.
Josh Harrison reported that Children’s Council is sponsoring a Trunk or Treat event on Saturday, October 26; report at 9:30 for decoration and set-up. Please sign up to decorate your vehicle and offer treats to the children.
Louisa Gerber for the Weekday School. Teaching staff reported this week and are very happy with the facilities updates. There is a great spirit of cooperation between the church and the WDS. WDS is planning a new fundraiser this year and really appreciates the church’s support for this effort.
Pastor Neil announced that there will be another Rise against Hunger event in October. District-wide ministers’ event will also take place here in the fall.
Adjournment: After members shared joys and concerns the meeting closed at 9:27 p.m. with prayer by Pastor Nickie.
Church Council Attendees, August 28, 2019
John Alexander, Vice Chair, Presiding
Neil Hough, Senior Pastor
Carolyn Andrukonis, Lay Leader
Amy Chai, Chair
Karen Cogan, Lay Member of Annual Conference
Todd Creekman, Treasurer
Bill Culbertson, Finance
Ann Donnelly, UMW
Andrew Gay, Member-at-Large
Louisa Gerber, Weekday School
Josh Harrison, Children’s Council
Jim King, Member-at-Large
Lyle Minter, Lay Member of Annual Conference (Minutes)
Nickie Moreno-Howard, Associate Pastor
Christine Nelson, Worship
Brad Oswalt, Trustees
Darold Plate, Member-at-Large
Sandy Plate, Member-at-Large
Kara Stuebing, Director of Family Ministries
Bruce Thomas, United Methodist Men