SMUMC Church Council Apr. 24, 2019

Church Council Minutes

Wednesday, April 24, 2019, 7:30 PM


  • Neil Hough, Sr. Pastor

  • Amy Chai, Chair

  • Darold Plate, Member at Large

  • Sandy Plate, Member at Large

  • Lyle Minter, Lay Member of Annual Conference

  • Karen Chevalier, Layleader

  • Carol Andrukonis, Lay Leader

  • Angela Culbertson, Chair SPRC

  • Nickie Moreno Howard, Assoc Pastor

  • Ann Donnelly, UMW

  • Bill Moberly, Assoc Pastor

  • Gary Strohm, Trustees

  • Brad Oswalt, Trustees

  • Todd Creekman, Treasurer

  • Bill Culbertson, Finance

  • Christine Nelson, Worship Comm

  • Jim King, Member at Large

  • John Alexander, Vice Chair

  • Beth Lanthier, Lay delegate to annual conference

  • Louisa Gerber, Chair WDS Board

  • Bo Tumasz, Gerald Goodak. Judi LaMarte, Gail Kreider, Vi Hauenstein, Bill Hauenstein, Cathy Moberly, Ellen Mantus, Nancy VanDeursen, Mandy Lloyd, Rod VanDeursen, Kara Stuebing, Josh Harrison

1. Welcome & Introductions Amy


2. Opening Prayer Neil

Opened and prayed

3. Approval of March Minutes

Amy Approved and accepted.

4. General Conference Response Karen/Carolyn/Neil

Review of how the past three meetings were scheduled and structured. There were many opinions within the meetings. Most people in the meetings were interested in changing from what the Special Session of General Conference approved. The general tenor of the conversation was disagreement with the direction of the Special Session of General Conference. The petition to the Bishop has 161 signatures, and it was sent. Next General Conference is May 2020 where this could revisited. NOTE: Attach petition to minutes without signatures. Outcomes requested by people who attended the meeting

  • There should be a more welcoming message out in front of the church. This can be a quick action to help make people feel welcome.

  • Request pastors to inform congregation from the pulpit that the issue is not fully resolved and complete.

  • Host town-hall meetings (with third-party facilitation) to get membership involved, discuss the issue, and collectively determine a way forward.

  • Allow the membership of the church to vote on what SMUMC wants to do. Not forcing the pastors to follow the direction of the church.

Everyone agrees this is an issue that will divide the church, and wants to ensure we treat people humanly.

Discussion occurred on potential next steps.

Neil added that every church he's been in contact with is having similar discussions to these. Some churches are accepting of the Special Session, while others are determining a response. Every church is in a different place, and there is no set formula that will work in every church. Many churches are in a "holding pattern" pending what occurs at the May 2020 General Conference. There are no decisions that need to be made right now.

Discussion occurred about facilitated informational sessions open to everyone. May look at a positional vote. This would be a non-binding vote to St. Matthews as there are no decisions that need to be made right now. A vote has winners and losers. It will be viewed as who stays and who goes. It decides who is welcome and who is not.

5. NLI – Feedback from Committees and Councils on proposed worship schedule change Darold (At Large) shared feedback that he received from conversations with 12 families. Many people find it hard to attend church at 8:30am. Promoted a recommendation to have the first service at 9am, with a 45 minute window for Sunday School.

Christine (Worship) shared feedback that 8:30 people are ok with the new schedule as it doesn't change for them.

Angela (SPRC) and Ann (UMW) both reported that it would not impact their respective committees.

Brad (Trustees) reported the Trustees had split opinions. Heard from music parents about concerns that all musical stuff (choir and bells) would move to the 8:30 service. It will be quite the activity to fit all the choir and bells. The change to include traditional choir and bells in the contemporary service should be determined prior to being decided. Discussion occurred around the music program and worship time changes.

Neil mentioned there should be clarity on what the services should be. Traditional and Modern worships were originally designed to appeal to two different groups, and merging both styles may lose the values of each. The Council should decide what is the future vision of the church, and what they want worship to focus on: how is service designed, who will it attract, and what does it serve? Setting times is only one aspect of the worship service.

Bill (Finance) shared "You don't grow a church by reducing the number of services". Two discussions about the future of the church: one level about LGBQ and another on church times. There may be no need to make the decision and change about the church times at this point. It increases adversity.

Jim (At Large) shared thoughts from individuals he spoke with.

Beth (Lay Leader) suggested asking the Sunday School teachers if 45 minutes is enough. Neil added that Carrie said that 45 minutes isn't enough for a children's Sunday School. Vote on this issue will occur at the meeting in May.

6. Church Logo. Keith

The SMUMC Church Council approves the use of two primary images to represent our church in print and online, and the use of temporary images for significant events. Authority is delegated to approve temporary images to the Director of Communication (staff position).

  1. The “Cross and Flame” ( is used when St. Matthews is: to appear as a unified part of the broader United Methodist Church; and as necessary in formal communications to the UMC district and conference. The use of the Cross and Flame must always comply with UMC brand guidelines ( as it is trademarked.

  2. The Relief of Jesus on the front wall of the Sanctuary is used: when the audience for the message are members and guests; to distinguish us as a community church open to all and; and as necessary to appear unique in the broader United Methodist Church.

  3. Temporary images in print and electronic headers are used to bring attention to a significant event in the life of St. Matthews. The temporary images may replace the two primary images in the headers of the Sunday bulletin, webpage, social media pages, and other locations. The temporary images may be based on the religious calendar, such as an ash cross to mark the start of Lent; or they may be based on church events, such as the pink elephant sale. Communication team will create a guide for the church as to how to select which logo to use. Will also create a history of the Relief of Jesus to be posted on the website.

7. Comments from the Pastor Neil Refer to highlight sheet. Kara Steubing is welcomed and introduced to the church. 100 people are going to ASP. June 26 to July 31: Wednesdays on the Lawn. Looking for signups. July 26 SPRC; July 3rd OPEN; July 10 OPEN; July 17 Worship; July 24 Finance; July 31 OPEN.

8. Reports Note: Church highlights for this month include items from last month or prior. Please submit updates timely to ensure inclusion.

  • Trustees Brad HVAC improvement in the WDS section has been installed and completed today. This summer: paint all exterior wood and getting quotes now. Replacing the windows in the 1970's wing (WDS, Choir) about $30k.

  • SPRC Angela Carrie's farewell is May 12, Mother's day, between the services. Nancy C.'s farewell is Aug 18. Carol W. has been working on job descriptions for choir directors (p/t).

  • Finance Bill Church audit completed. Findings are all insignificant and outside the ability of the church to change. For example, electronic check signatures from BBT only list church name, not name of signature authority. These are not unexpected and none of this presents a concern to the Finance committee. Everything is being done as it should be done.

9. Open Forum

Fall kick off on Sept 8th. Usually the weekend following Labor Day is Sept 2. 10. Joys and Concerns Shared.

10. Closing Prayer & Adjournment

Prayed and closed

Church CouncilJoe Zapf