GPS Week of April 21, 2019
Easter SundaySermon – The Decision to BelieveScripture Readings: John 20:1-18, John 20:24-31Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the tomb. . . . Simon Peter came, following him, and went into the tomb. He saw the linen wrappings lying there, and the cloth that had been on Jesus' head, not lying with the linen wrappings but rolled up in a place by itself. Then the other disciple, who reached the tomb first, also went in, and he saw and believed. (John 20:1, 6-8)Monday April 22 — John 20:1-10On Good Friday, Jesus was crucified on the cross and was buried in a garden tomb. Early on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb. When she saw that the stone had been rolled away, she thought someone had stolen Jesus' body. So she went to get the disciples. Slowly, but surely, they came to believe that Jesus had been raised from the dead, but they did not yet fully understand the whole story. Sometimes we are like Mary and the disciples. We do not fully understand the meaning of Easter. How has God helped you increase your faith and your understanding of the Good News of Easter?
• Prayer: Living God, help me grow in my faith, and understand the true meaning of Easter. Prepare me to encounter the risen Christ in my life today. Amen.
Tuesday April 23 — John 20:11-18In the garden, Mary Magdalene has an encounter with Jesus, but she does not recognize him until he calls her by name. Like the Good Shepherd that he is, Jesus knows his flock and calls every one of us by name. (See John 10:3,14.) The Good News is that Jesus knows and loves us before we know or love or even recognize him. God's love and grace are present in our lives before we can know or name them. The living Christ is ready and able to open our eyes so that we can see him and follow him. Where have you encountered the living Christ today? Will you ask him to open your eyes so that you can see and follow him?
• Prayer: Eternal God, despite the fact that I often do not recognize your presence in my life, I believe that you know and love me. Amen.
Wednesday April 24 — John 20:19-31The second part of John 20 includes Jesus' commissioning of his disciples (John 20:19-23) and his relationship with Thomas, and Thomas' need to see in order to believe (John 20:24-29). What Jesus tells Thomas is a message for us: seeing Jesus in the flesh, in first-century Israel, is not a requirement for Christian discipleship. If we are willing, we can hear the Good News of Easter—and believe. What is preventing you from believing the Good News of Easter? Are you willing to believe in God's life-changing resurrection power?
• Prayer: Merciful God, forgive me when I doubt the Good News of Easter. Help me to believe in the life-changing power of Jesus' resurrection. Amen.
Thursday April 25 — John 21:1-14The final chapter of John's Gospel serves as a transition between Jesus' earthly life and ministry and the continued ministry of his disciples (the Church). We know that the resurrected Jesus is the one who both commissions the disciples (John 20:21-23) and empowers the disciples to perform miracles (John 21:6). The point is that the power of God that was present in Jesus' earthly ministry will be available to Jesus' disciples as they continue to serve in his name. In light of the resurrection stories in John 20 and 21, how have you experienced Jesus' commission and Jesus' power? Where is Jesus sending you? What is Jesus sending you to do?
• Prayer: Almighty God, thank you for Jesus and for the gift of salvation. Fill me with the Holy Spirit so that I might serve you today. Amen.
Friday April 26 — John 21:15-19Jesus' final conversation with Simon Peter demonstrates the life-changing power of God's grace. Peter, who denied Jesus three times, is offered grace and is able to affirm his love for Jesus and his willingness to serve as Jesus' representative in the world. The work of the Good Shepherd (see John 10:11-18) is passed on to Peter. Everyone who loves Jesus is expected to fulfill the commandment to love one another (John 13:34-35). Do you love Jesus? Do you really love Jesus? If so, how will you fulfill Jesus' command to love and care for others? How is your love for Jesus evident in your love for others?
• Prayer: Heavenly Father, I love you. I love your Son, Jesus. And I love your Holy Spirit. Let your love flow through me into the world. Amen.
Saturday April 27 — John 21:20-25The Gospel According to John ends where it begins: with an invitation from Jesus to, "Follow me" (John 21:19, 22). When we decide to follow Jesus, we may not know where he will lead us, but we can trust that he will be with us. We can trust that he will be our shepherd, our guide, and our Savior. And that, through him, we will find eternal rest and peace. Have you responded to Jesus' invitation to follow him? If not, what is preventing you? Take the next (or first) step on your journey today.
• Prayer: God of Grace, grant me courage to take the next (or first) step in my journey of discipleship. With your help, I will follow Jesus. Amen.