SMUMC Church Council Feb. 27, 2019
Church Council Agenda
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
7:30 PM
Amy Chai, Chair
Neil Hough, Sr. Pastor
Darold Plate, Member at Large
Brad Oswalt, Trustees
Bruce Thomas, UMM
Gary Strohm, Trustees
Andrew Gay, Children's Council / Member at Large
John Alexander, Vice Chair
Angela Culberston, Chair SPRC
Lyle Minter, Annual Conf Lay Member
Vi Havenstein, At-Large
Bill Culberston, Finance
Bill Havenstein, At-Large
Todd Creekman, Treasurer
Karen Chevalier, Layleader
Chris Ligon, Discipleship
Carol Andrukonis, Lay Leader
Beth Lantheir, Lay delegate to annual conference
Mandy Lloyd, NLI Worship Team
Note: Church Council meeting was delayed due to a special open forum presenting the results of the Special General Conference.
1. Welcome & Introductions Amy Opened.
2. Opening Prayer Neil
3. Approval of January Minutes Amy Approved
4. SPRC Report Angela
SPRC considering a candidate for the Director of Family ministries (youth and children).
Carrie will be leaving the church staff.
Nancy will be retiring in June. Current consideration is for Carol to take the music lead to coordinate all the programs. Tammy would run the Bells program. Debbie would lead the
Rainbow Ringers and Wesley Choir. There would be an opening for a new choir director (adult, youth, children)
5. NLI Strategic Worship Planning Team Update Mandy
Mandy presented the results. The presentation and survey is attached to the minutes. There is an even split on changing. Those who attend one service want to keep that service, and are ok changing the other services. Several comments suggested two services occurring at the same time. This was not pushed forward by the committee because there it would increase the "us vs. them" perspective between different type of worshipers.
Changes are not recommended until the start of the next school year due to all the staff changes and other issues occurring.
Actions moving forward: No decision or commitment on making changes. Committee meeting again on 12 March to determine a recommendation. Survey results will be communicated to the congregation via email in the next 7-10 days with a link to provide feedback.
6. NLI Update – Vision Alignment Team
Moved to the next meeting due to lack of time.
7. Comments from the Pastor Neil
Moved to the next meeting due to lack of time.
8. Reports
a. Finance Bill
We concluded Jan (2md month of FY) up +$5400. $968k in total pledges due to 5 additional pledges and several increases after last week's push for a total of 232 pledges compared to 249 last year. The past four days may have brought in about $20k in pledges. Signs are good that people are responding positively.
Chosen to defer cutting the budget this year at this time. We are looking out to 45-90 days and will reconsider at that time.
2. Trustees Brad
Fire alarm triggered in the 11:15 service. The contractor has not arrived yet to reset the pull station. Discussion occurred about better training ushers and their actions during a fire drill.
Chillers being installed next week as approved last year.
The entire of the paintable exterior will be done this FY.
9. Open Forum
Cancelled due to lack of time.
10. Joys and Concerns
Cancelled due to lack of time.
11. Closing Prayer & Adjournment Prayed