SMUMC Church Council Jul. 24, 2019

  1. Meeting called to order by Chair Amy Chai at 7:30 p.m. Attendees introduced themselves and stated their position on the Council. (See attendee list at the end of the minutes.)

  2. Pastor Neil Hough opened the meeting with prayer.

  3. The minutes for the June meeting were approved.

  4. Worship Schedule Change: Pastor Neil Hough, working with the church staff, developed a proposed Sunday morning schedule for council consideration, as the council had requested at its June meeting. This proposal included three recommended options, with starting times shown for each option—Option 1: 8:30 traditional worship, 9:45 Sunday School, 11:00 modern worship; Option 2: 8:45, 10:00, 11:15; Option 3: 9:00, 10:15, 11:15. Since it was believed that the starting time for the first service was the most important issue, and after further discussion indicated that an 8:30 start was perhaps too early, the council took a vote by secret ballot to determine whether the first service would begin at 8:45 or 9:00 a.m. The results of the ballot were: 14 in favor of 9:00 and 7 in favor of 8:45 with 1 abstention. As a result, the Sunday worship schedule will be 9:00 traditional worship, 10:15 Sunday School, 11:15 modern worship. Hough and the church staff will move forward with planning to implement the new schedule on Sunday, September 8, and the communications team was to meet the week of July 28 to develop a communications plan.

  5. The council approved a proposal endorsed by the Music Committee, the Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC), and the Trustees to name the room behind the sanctuary The Cappel Music Room. A plaque showing this dedication will be presented to Nancy Cappel during her Retirement Celebration on Sunday, August 18.

  6. Way Forward for St. Matthew’s: Karen Chevalier reported that the Way Forward Facilitated Discussion sessions will become a regular Sunday School Class on Reconciling Ministries. She and Pastor Nickie Moreno-Howard will attend a meeting at the Church of the Resurrection in Kansas in September to continue discussion of the wider issues facing the United Methodist Church in advance of the 2020 General Conference.

  7. Pastor Neil supplemented his written report with the following:

    • Announced that Charge Conference will be held at St. Matthew’s on Wednesday, November 13, at 7:00 p.m.

    • Requested that all program planners keep the Church Office apprised of church calendar changes as soon as they occur so that accurate information is available to all, and

    • Presented a plaque celebrating St. Matthew’s 35 years of participation in the Appalachian Service Project (ASP) to Sandy and Darold Plate, who asked that the plaque be displayed at the church. Pastor Neil emphasized that youth are an important part of our St. Matthew’s community and what we can do in mission as a result of their participation.

  8. Finance Committee: Bill Culbertson reported that revenue has fallen behind expenses in the amount of $10,000. Council was reminded that the church has reserve funds to close the gap. A self-directed audit of church financial reports will take place in September. In 2020 there will be a formal audit conducted by an outside party.

  9. Trustees: Brad Oswalt reported:

    • Window installation will take place on August 2-3. Five windows in the east wall

      of the Sanctuary and 31 casement windows in the children’s wing are being


    • Exterior painting will begin on August 19; all exterior woodwork and wrought

      iron railings are included, with a cost of $18,000.

    • Ushers will watch the security camera display in the Church Office during

      services and walkie-talkies will be supplied in all classrooms. “Situation awareness” training will be conducted for ushers and Sunday School teachers, and all these new security procedures will be in place for kick-off Sunday on September 8.

  10. SPRC: Angela Culbertson reported that Family Ministries is fully staffed, with Caitlin Trost starting work as Youth Coordinator on August 5. Music Director Carol Workman is recruiting for Adult and Chapel choir director positions. Debbie Thiemann will direct the Wesley Choir and the Rainbow Ringers. The Weekday School is interviewing for its Assistant Director position. Planning for Nancy Cappel’s Retirement Celebration is well under way, with 300-400 guests expected.

  11. Open Forum:

    • District Superintendent Jeff Mickle called to ask St. Matthew’s to pay 100% of our District apportionment on time since the District is $40,000 short of projected revenue. This shortfall is adversely affecting District programming.

    • Keith Robertory has the lead position on planning for the kick-off Sunday picnic; he will try to conduct as much planning as possible by email.

    • Darold Plate shared concerns of older members about being able to get to church for the traditional worship service at 9:00 a.m. Members were asked to consider ways to help, perhaps by making personal contacts, listening to people’s concerns, and/or finding a way to offer transportation. The communications group will consider this need. The pastors and members shared joys and concerns.

  12. Adjournment: Meeting closed at 8:50 p.m. with prayer by Pastor Bill Moberly.

Church Council Attendees, July 24, 2019

  • Amy Chai, Chair

  • Neil Hough, Senior Pastor

  • Bill Moberly, Associate Pastor

  • John Alexander, Vice-Chair

  • Karen Chevalier, Lay Leader

  • Karen Cogan, Lay Member of Annual Conference

  • Todd Creekman, Treasurer

  • Angela Culbertson, SPRC

  • Bill Culbertson, Finance

  • Susan Ely, Modern Worship Team Leader

  • Andrew Gay, Member-at-Large

  • Louisa Gerber, Weekday School

  • Josh Harrison, Children’s Council

  • Jim King, Member-at-Large

  • Lyle Minter, Lay Member of Annual Conference (Minutes)

  • Christine Moser, Children’s Ministries Coordinator

  • Brad Oswalt, Trustees

  • Darold Plate, Member-at-Large

  • Sandy Plate, Member-at-Large

  • Gary Strohm, Trustees

  • Bruce Thomas, United Methodist Men

  • Carol Workman, Director of Music/Organist

Church CouncilJoe Zapf