GPS Week of August 4, 2019

Sermon Series: Keeping SabbathSermon: Holy PlayScripture Reading: Isaiah 58:9b-14, Luke 13:10-17… if you call the sabbath a delight and the holy day of the LORD honorable; if you honor it, not going your own ways, serving your own interests, or pursuing your own affairs; then you shall take delight in the LORD… - Isaiah 58:13b-14aWhen have I experienced healing?Where in my life do I need healing now?How can I be freed for joyful obedience?Things I’d like to remember from today’s message:Monday, August 12 - Mark 1:40-45While in the Bible we often read about physical healings; we are often in need of emotional, mental, spiritual, and even relational healing. The leper in Mark 1 begs Jesus for healing. After receiving the healing the leper proclaimed it freely and spread the word about Jesus (vs. 1:45). He recognized his need for healing and brought that need to Jesus. In bringing this need for healing before Jesus he was free to live joyfully. What healing do you need in your life to live joyfully?

  • Prayer: Healing God, help me to recognize the ways I need healing in my life and live joyfully in your presence. Amen.


  • Activity: Brainstorm a list needs to bring to God in prayer. Write some out on a post-it and place it where you can see it daily. Pray each day for healing.

Tuesday, August 13 - Matthew 9:1-8In this passage from Matthew Jesus’ miracle is more than a healing but also the forgiving of sins. Those who witnessed this in the crowds were filled with awe and glorified God. When we witness the movement of God in our world we are called to respond as the crowds did in this Scripture. In what ways do you witness God? How can you respond to God with awe and give God glory?

  • Prayer: Glorious God, when I recognize your movement in this world I will offer you praise! Thank you God! Amen.


  • Activity: Look for God sightings during your day today. Pause each moment to celebrate how God is moving in our world!

Wednesday, August 14 - Luke 7:11-18This story of Jesus’ healing in Luke is not only the miracle of restored life but also restored relationships. In Luke 7:15, the Scripture says that “Jesus gave him (the man who died) to his mother.” Living joyfully with Jesus - Sabbathing in a way that leads to “Holy Play,” - is difficult when are relationships are suffering or struggling. Jesus can bring healing to our relationships as well. What relationships in your life need healing? How can you celebrate and live joyfully when your relationships are healed?

  • Prayer: God, continue to reach out to us and guide us into more loving relationships with you and one another. Amen.

Activity: On Tuesday we reflected on witnessing God in our world. How do your relationships change when you see God in one another? As you seek healing in your relationships focus on witnessing God in every relationship in your life.

Thursday, August 15 - John 5:1-9So often in Scripture those who need healing come to Jesus. In this Scripture, Jesus sees the need of this man and asks him if he wants “to be made well (vs. 5:6).” Jesus desires to restore us all to health and fullness of life. When we live in the fullness of life with Jesus we are freed to live joyfully. As you pray today, invite God to offer you healing. Are there unexpected places in your life that need healing? How can God be a part of that?

  • Prayer: Loving God, I need your healing in my life today. Teach me to live joyfully with you each day. Amen.


  • Activity: Practice listening to God today. Are there places in your life that need healing that you haven’t shared with others? How can you share this with God now?

Friday, August 16 - Matthew 20:30-34Even as they are in need of healing, the two blind men in this Scripture cry out to Jesus calling him “Lord (vs. 20:30).” The crowd orders them to be quiet but they are persistent. Living joyfully with God may not come easily to us - we must be persistent in reaching out to God. How can you persistently seek God today?

  • Prayer: God you listen to my every need. Today I pray as the two blind man did and ask you to have mercy on me. Amen.


  • Activity: Today, find multiple times to say out loud, “Lord, have mercy on me, Son of David!” How does it feel to cry out to God? How can crying out to God bring you closer to receiving joy?

Saturday, August 17 - Luke 17:11-19In this parable of the ten lepers, one returns to Jesus and praises “God with a loud voice (vs. 17:15).” It can be hard to praise God in the midst of struggles. What struggles in your life keep you from offering praise and living joyfully with God? How can you choose to praise God today?

  • Prayer: God I offer you praise, even in the difficulties I face today. Thank you for all you do in my life. Amen.


  • Activity: Make a mental list of the concerns that are on your heart and mind right now. What are some ways to offer God praise as you think of each situation? Practice offering God praise today.
GPSSt. Matthew's UMC