GPS Week of March 24, 2019

Monday March 25 – John 4:1-26

There are so many things we could focus on in this Scripture. Today consider verse 15, the Samaritan woman asks for the water that Jesus offers. She seems confused, thinking after one sip of this “magic water” she will never be thirsty again. But Jesus is instead offering eternal life through him, the Messiah. She doesn’t understand this fully until verse 26. How often do we come to Jesus expecting one thing and receiving another? Consider today how an encounter with Jesus can be surprising or even change your entire world view.

Prayer: Surprising God, sometimes I come before you expecting one thing and receive something totally different. Prepare my heart today to be surprised by you. Amen.

 Tuesday March 26 – John 4:27-42

The disciples and Jesus, and the Samaritan townspeople were very different from one another. Jews and Samaritans did not associate with one another or even speak to each other. However, the Samaritans in the town of Sychar had the same converting experience to the Good News of Jesus as the disciples. So much so, that they invited Jesus to stay with them in their home (vs. 40). We live in a world of stark division and it can be hard to find ways to even start a conversation with people “across the aisle.” Maybe we could start with welcoming one another? How can you actively welcome someone today who is different from you?

Prayer: God today I welcome Jesus. Help me to welcome others in Jesus name every day. Amen.

 Wednesday March 27 - John 4:43-54

The stories of Nicodemus (John 3), the Samaritan woman (4:1-42), and the official’s son (4:43-54) intersect in this passage. Jesus offers Nicodemus new life if he is born of water and the Spirit. Nicodemus is confused. The Samaritan woman initially does not understand the offer of water from Jesus. However, she embraces the fullness of the gift of eternal life and shares it with others. The royal official asks for life for his son and his entire household comes to believe in Jesus. Life with Jesus can mean different things to each of us. Have you been confused like Nicodemus, transformed like the Samaritan woman, or desperate for healing like the official’s son? What does life with Jesus mean for you?

Prayer: Today God I request life with you. Life with you can be confusing, transforming and healing. Surround me with the fullness of your gift of life today.

 Thursday March 28 - John 5:1-18

The opening of John 5 is almost abrupt in the limited interaction Jesus has with the paralyzed man. Jesus heals him so quickly. In their second conversation Jesus gives him an instruction, “Do not sin any more… (vs. 14).” Receiving healing and new life in Jesus is more than just the transformation. We are called to respond; to live a life continually following Jesus. We are called not to sin and to ask for forgiveness when we do sin. How do you choose to follow Jesus every day? How can you be reminded to live a life free of sin with Jesus?

Prayer: Forgiving God, you offer to me healing and a life with you. Guide me to seek forgiveness and healing in every moment. Amen.

 Friday March 29 - John 5:19-30

Each passage from John this week teaches about life in Jesus. The gift of life in Jesus happens in different ways, however, this gift does not happen apart from the Father. Verse 5:30 confirms this as Jesus says, “I seek to do not my own will but the will of him who sent me.” In this passage we come to a full understanding that God’s intention and covenant with humanity is that we may have life and have it abundantly through Jesus Christ (John 10:10). What does abundant life mean for you? How can you accept abundant life from God through Jesus Christ today?

Prayer: God of abundance, from the beginning, you have sought to love and care for your creation. Remind me today that you want a full and abundant life for me. Amen.

 Saturday March 30 - John 5:31-47

When reading this Scripture, it almost sounds like a trial in courtroom. Jesus talks about testifying, testimony, and accusers. Jesus speaks about John as a witness, the works of God through Jesus, himself, as a witness, and even Moses (vs. 45-46). What does it mean to be a witness of Jesus? Recall the Samaritan woman witnessing to her encounter with Jesus, the royal official’s household witnessing healing and believing, the paralyzed man testifying to the Jews about his healing. Who witnessed to you and shared the stories of Jesus? How can you be a witness for Jesus today?

Prayer: God, I have witnessed you moving in our world. Open my eyes to see you at work. Equip me to witness to others about the great things you are doing each day. Amen.

GPSSt. Matthew's UMC