GPS Week of February 10, 2019

Sunday February 10 - Jonah 2:1-10, Luke 5:15-16“I called to the Lord out of my distress, and he answered me;” - Jonah 2:1-10“But Jesus would withdraw to deserted places and pray.” - Luke 5:16Monday February 11 – Matthew 6:5-8Jesus gives instructions in Matthew 6 about how we should pray. He uses comparisons of people who pray for attention and people who pray in private. Jesus encourages us to have a personal and private prayer life. Prayer is not about the attention we get from others but instead about being in relationship with God. During this week try and find time to pray privately and focus your prayer on building your relationship with God - asking for clarity about how God calls you or guidance in your day to day life.

  • Prayer: God, you are always with me and today I desire to know you more. Strength my commitment to spending time in prayer with you. Amen.

Tuesday February 12 – Hebrews 12:1-2The line, “let us run with perseverance the race,” is well known. This passage refers to the practice of our faith. Jesus is the model, or “perfecter” of our faith. Just as we would practice to run a 5k, practice an instrument, practice for a play, our faith requires practice. Practicing our faith includes reading the Bible, worshipping, serving others, giving of what we have, and sharing our faith. When we intentionally practice our faith we are made more like Christ. Consider how you practice your faith today, what practices can you add or what practices can you strengthen?

Prayer: God, today I ask hope to practice my faith more and more working to draw closer to you and be more like Christ. Guide my faith practices each day and make me more like you. Amen.

Wednesday February 13 - Psalm 69:13-18Jonah quotes all the Psalms in this week’s GPS. The writer of Psalm 69 asks for deliverance from their enemies and the deep waters that threaten to overtake them. The Psalmist offers a prayer to God and chooses to trust in God’s steadfast love. While we may not experience literal “deep waters,” we do find ourselves overwhelmed; being overtaken by the things of life. Sometimes it’s grief, or debt, family situations, problems at work… Jonah models the choice to pray at the darkest point in his life. Read the Psalm again and be comforted by God’s steadfast love.

Prayer: God of Steadfast Love, whether in times of joy or times of trial help me to trust in your unfailing and relentless love. Amen.

Thursday February 14 - Psalm 5The writer of Psalm 5 relies on and trusts that God will hear their voice. Prayer isn’t just offered to an unhearing or uncaring God. Instead, Psalm 5 reminds us that when we prayer God listens. We can bring joys and struggles before God and God will remain with us, will listen and will not abandon us. The end of Psalm 5 asks for God’s protection and and trusts in God as a shield. When we go to God in prayer we build up our reliance and trust in God. Today, wonder about your prayer life. Do you bring all prayers to God or just some prayers? How can you choose to expand your prayer life; trusting that God will receive and respond to each prayer?

  • Prayer: Abiding God, I know you are with me always. Today, I lay before you every hope and every burden. Comfort me and inspire me. Remind me that you hear every word. Amen.

Friday February 15 - Psalm 42Psalm 42 ends with the words “hope and help in God.” What help or guidance do you need from God today? Pause now and lift these up to God. The Psalmist describes all the ways their soul is “cast down.” However, the Psalmist chooses hope. Pause now and reflect on hope. Where and when do you experience hope? How can you include hope as part of your prayer life? Lift up your hopes to God now.

Prayer: God of both help and hope, you are my rock. In my darkest moments and my greatest joys you remain constant. Today I choose to trust in your help and live in your hope. Amen.

Saturday February 16- Psalm 139The title of this Psalm is “The Inescapable God.” Jonah discovered that wherever he found himself God was truly inescapable. The end of Psalm 139 says, “Search me of God and know my heart.” How are you inviting God to know all of you? Read Psalm 139 throughout the day; just a few verses at a time. As you read the Psalm consider how God is “inescapable;” remembering that God remains with you always.

Prayer: Inescapable God, your love is relentless and your presence is constant. In every moment of the day remind me that you are with me. Amen.

GPSSt. Matthew's UMC